What now?

Oct 26, 2024

Ever since I wrote this website, I’ve felt myself struggle to find something to work on next. I patched together a version of Prop Hunt in a few hours, but I never felt fully motivated to work on it. The owner of the org I’m apart of joined Small Fish (happy for you man), since then I’ve began to reconsider what I want to do next.

I love s&box, I think it’s such a great engine, but recently I’ve began to lack motivation to work on projects in it. I’ve enjoyed continuing to work on Fortwars, but it’s hard to continue working on something when s&box has a total of 4 active players. (not actually, it seems like that though). With the current state of s&box, it’s hard to get a constant player base. Although, I did recently join a new project which I’m looking forward too.

I’ve had a great time working on this website, I love learning new skills and improving. So who knows what I will work on next, more s&box, more TypeScript, or learning C++, probably a little bit of everything.