S&box Svelte Kit Package Viewer

Nov 3, 2024

Ever since I made this site, I’ve been itching to do some more web dev using Svelte Kit. Svelte 5 just came out so I thought it would be a good time to make something simple. I added blogs from the S&box api to this site a few days ago, I wondered if I could make a simple package viewer for S&box. Garry says the S&box site will never support mobile, so I thought why not make a simple site that works on mobile. So thats what I did. Making the site was just a learning opportunity for me.

Svelte 5 is more complicated than Svelte 4, in some ways. Svelte changed the way you denfine varibles, it looks worse, but I learned to like it.

//Svelte 4
let count = 0;
//Svelte 5
let count = $state(0);

On first glance it looks worse, but it gives you more control over your site.

Package Listing

Facepunch added api endpoints, they spit out what it shown on the website. I just had to learn how to output them as an interface, and I would have package lists done.

  "Org": {
    "Ident": "nolankicks",
    "Title": "kicks",
    "Description": "Hey I’m kicks, take a look at some of my personal projects",
    "WebUrl": "https://nolankicks.github.io/"
  "Ident": "fortwars",
  "Title": "Fortwars",
  "Summary": "A classic Gmod Fortwars gamemode",

Organizations and Games

The organization and game use dynamic routing. Here’s the structure of how it works


Each of these routes have +page.server.ts files which parses the url and sends the right fetch request to the backend.

I learned a alot from this project. Even though it was only a day of work, it still taught me many things about webdev. A alot of the styling on the site is temp, but I’m definitely improving at styling as a whole. I have room to improve, although I look forward to! I’m going to work on Fortwars for the next bit and I’m excited to continue improving.
